Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beware The Tides Of March

Here in Ouray, Colorado it appears March will be going out as a hybrid of Lion and Lamb. After a few weeks of mild spring weather with high temperatures sometimes near 70, Mother Nature turned back the clock and decided to let winter stick around for a bit longer. About a week ago the temperatures started falling, or should I say springing, back towards winter climes. With the lower temperatures came some spring snow. It has been snowing on and off for the last week – sometimes a little, sometimes a lot! Within the last 24 hours it has snowed about 12 inches. Over the last week it has probably snowed about 24 or more inches here in town at 7800 feet. Who knows how much has accumulated at the higher levels. This final day of March started out sunny with plenty of blue sky, but by noon had turned to grey sky and the scent of snow in the air. March can be as changeable as the tides.

The good thing about spring snow is that the ground is no longer frozen and it tends to melt fairly quickly on the streets and sidewalks while covering up the brown spots from previous melting. By melting quickly, that means less shoveling. However, what shoveling there is to do is with wet snow and can be like moving around wet concrete.

The other thing about this time of year is the locals can get complacent about their driving and think the road conditions are better than they actually are. Just yesterday I was shoveling the sidewalk in front of our stores when the local emergency siren located above City Hall went off. The emergency siren is a throwback to the mining days when the siren would sound three times to indicate that there had been an accident at one of the local mines and all local emergency personnel were needed. That still holds true today. The Ouray Volunteer Fire Department and Ouray County Emergency Services still use the siren to call out the volunteers to respond to an emergency. So, the siren went off about 11am and the sirens on the emergency vehicles started wailing and heading northbound. I found out later one of the long-time locals had tried to negotiate one of the well-known curves that was still icy and ended up in the Uncompahgre River. Luckily she was ok as was rescued before hypothermia had taken its toll.

The other thing about this time of year is the results of our buying trip to Denver at the end of February. The merchandise has started to arrive and most of it is T-shirts. That means checking it in and then folding those shirts that don’t get hung up in the showroom, and we are talking numbers of shirts in the thousands!! Folding, folding, folding, keep them shirts a movin’. It is like in the autumn we get the autumn foliage and in the spring we get spring foldiage.

That’s it for this March Madness. I plan to submit more in April and not be such a fool.

One last thing: If warm weather in the fall is called Indian Summer, is cold weather in the spring called April Fools? I take that back. Whatever it is called, here in Ouray we just get Ute to it.

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